To:      COUNCIL

13 July 2022




The Leader





1.1       Since the Council agenda for the 20 April 2022 was published, the Executive met on the 24 May, 1 June and 21 June 2022.  This report summarises decisions taken by reference to the relevant portfolio within which they fall.  .


1.2       Updated Forward Plans are published every Friday and can be viewed online at  Full details on the decisions taken by individual portfolio holders can also be accessed online through the Council’s website.





2.1       Council is asked agree the recommendation at 5.1.1.





3.1       The reasons for recommendations are set out in the supporting information and in the reports considered by the Executive.





4.1       Alternative options are discussed in the relevant individual reports considered by the Executive.







5.1        Climate Change Action Plan Annual Progress Report


5.1.1     The Executive recommended to Council that they noted an approve the Climate Change Action Plan Annual Progress Report.


5.1.2     Following the publication of the council’s climate change strategy in January 2021 it was agreed that annual update reports on progress be reported to Full Council.


5.1.3     The annual report for 2021/22 showed a wide range of achievements of which the key headline was a reduction in the Council’s CO2 emissions from 6,178 tonnes in 2019 to 5,326 tonnes in 2020 and 5,028 tonnes in 2021 (although the latter two years were impacted by Covid restrictions).  At the same time figures released by BEIS show a 41.5% reduction in the Council’s emissions since 2005.  The overall strategy is supported by a detailed action plan containing 46 projects – key ones delivered in 2021/22 included; improvements to the energy efficiency of both the council’s estate and residents’ homes; the successful implementation of kerbside food waste collections coupled with reduced residual waste collections resulting in both increased recycling rates and reduced landfill; and successful Highways initiatives aimed at improving and increasing active travel.


5.2        Greening Waste Collection Progress Update


5.2.1     The Executive noted and approved the Greening Waste Collection Progress Update report.


5.2.2     During the year the food waste recycling service for all houses in the borough had started on 1 March 2021.  At the same time the refuse collection frequency changed to three weekly (from fortnightly).  These changes directly led to over 6,000 tonnes of food waste being collected (34% above target in the year).  With other initiatives this meant that the recycling rate for 2021/22 was likely to be 56%, an increase of 13% compared to 2020/21.  By contrast, the landfill rate for 2020/21 is expected to reduce from 16% to 7%.  All other targets set for the year were also exceeded.


Adult Services, Health and Housing         


5.3       SEND Written Statement of Action (WSOA)


5.3.1    The Executive noted the current draft of the WSOA which focussed on the 9 areas of significant weakness highlighted in the November 2021 Ofsted Inspection on which the partnership will be monitored and which was due to be submitted on 7 June. 


5.3.2    The report provided an update on the progress and activity undertaken to develop a co-produced Written Statement of Action.  The co-production process was dynamic and agile and as the work progresses within the workstreams and feedback is received via the engagement process, the Written Statement of Action has been updated.  Following sign off by Ofsted/DfE regular monitoring of progress will be undertaken by the Special Needs Improvement Board, CMT and the Executive itself.  (The Council was subsequently informed that the DfE and Ofsted had signed off the WSOA as fit for purpose without modification which marks a small but important step in the improvement journey).


5.4       Bracknell Forest Health and Wellbeing Strategy


5.4.1    The Executive endorsed the Bracknell Forest Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


5.4.2    The Health and Wellbeing Board is preparing a Health and Wellbeing Strategy which has been co-produced to identify the key health and wellbeing priorities for the whole Borough.  The draft plan was prepared and consultation on the plan was agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board at its meeting on 2 December 2021.


5.4.3    Consultation took place in March 2022 and resulted in 81 responses from a variety of groups including residents and health professionals.  At the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 7 June 2022 the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Bracknell Forest was formally approved, with a focus on six priorities:


1.    Give all children the best start in life and support emotional and physical health

2.    Promote mental health and improve lives of people with a mental ill-health

3.    Creating opportunities for individual and community connection

4.    Keep residents safe from infectious diseases and address long term impact of Covid

5.    Improve years lived with good health and happiness

6.    Collaborate, plan and secure funds for new health and wellbeing priorities.


5.5       Bridgewell Supported Living


5.5.1    The Executive agreed that the Council will build a two-storey building with four distinct households, each consisting of 5-bedrooms on the site of the ex Bridgewell Care Home.  It was agreed to procure the landlord service provider and the care & support service provider and the design and build budget, Strategic Procurement Plan for the building design and works (including early/enabling works) was also approved.  This marks an important step forward in modernising and providing greater choice in the Council’s residential care services for people with learning disabilities.


5.6       Contract Extension Approval for Look Ahead - Accommodation Based Housing Related Support Service


5.6.1    The Executive agreed to delegate authority to the Executive Director: People to approve a 12 month extension of the current Look Ahead contract from 1 September 2022 and (which will be recorded as a key decision to ensure compliance with the Council’s Contract Standing Orders and legal advice).  Authorisation was also given to the Executive Director: People to approve the approach and timeline proposed for a strategic commissioning review of the current service model in order to develop proposals around the preferred route to market, and procurement of accommodation-based housing related support services at the end of the agreed extension.



            Finance & Transformation


5.7       Procurement Plan for Design & Construction Support Team


5.7.1    The Executive approved the Strategic Procurement Plan to tender the appointment of Design & Construction Support for a contract value of £15m over an initial period of 5 years with a further 3 +2 years extension to be based on performance.  Delegation of authority was also approved so that the Executive Director, Delivery and the Executive Member for Transformation, Finance and Property be able to award the contract to the provider, provided they met the requirements of the contract as set out in the Plan.


Children, Young People & Learning


5.8       Household Support Fund Extension and Energy Rebate Discretionary Fund


5.8.1    The Household Support Fund has been provided by the Department for Work and Pensions but each local authority must determine how it is spent within the scope of the guidance that has been set out.  The Council is therefore required to create a local eligibility framework to disburse the funding.  Bracknell Forest’s allocation for this discretionary element is £184,650.


5.8.2    The Executive agreed that supermarket vouchers be purchased, or for opted schools to make equivalent arrangements, to provide support over the Summer and October Holidays to children qualifying for Free School Meals in Bracknell Forest schools and the equivalent under 5s. Households will receive a £15 voucher per child per week of the holidays.


It was also agreed that qualifying pension age households should be provided with a one-off supermarket voucher in June of £100.  The target group are pensioners in receipt of income based council tax reduction and/or housing benefit.  The remaining funding of approximately £15,000, and the value of any unredeemed vouchers, will be targeted on low income working age disabled and carer households without children, and care leavers with a supermarket voucher of £50.  If more funding was available, the decision to increase this value was to be delegated to the Chief Executive.


The Executive also agreed that the Discretionary Fund element of the Council Tax Energy Rebate, which is the mandatory payment to all households in bands A – D who pay their energy bills, should initially be used to provide financial support to working age and pensioner households occupying properties in Council Tax Bands E-H who currently receive income based council tax support and also to care leavers.  Authority for agreeing proposals to allocate the remainder of the Discretionary Fund element of the Council Tax Energy Rebate was delegated to the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning, advised by the Members Welfare Steering Group.



Culture, Delivery and Public Protection


5.9       Request from Taxi Trade to Review Hackney Carriage Tariffs


5.9.1    The Executive received a report to consider a business case submitted by representatives of the taxi trade to review the current table of fares in the light of the current increase in the cost of fuel. The report also outlined the statutory consultation process that must be undertaken as the Executive agreed to consult on the proposals set out in the business case.  On this basis, if no objections are received (or if they are withdrawn), the proposed table of fares, as set out in Appendix D to the report, would come into effect on the 16 June 2022.


5.10       Procurement of Community Hub Operator at Bucklers Park, Crowthorne


5.10.1   Following the decision by Crowthorne Parish Council not to be involved in providing the new Bucklers Park Community Centre, the Executive agreed the strategic procurement plan to appoint an operator to manage the facility with the adjacent courts, associated car parking and car park landscaping on a ‘not-for profit’ or charitable basis and approved the cost/quality weighting in favour of quality at 60% and 40% cost.


Delegation of the contract award decision was approved to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Member for Culture, Delivery and Public Protection and the lease and other operational arrangements were also delegated to the Assistant Director: Chief Executive’s Office in consultation with the Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration and the Executive Member for Culture, Delivery and Public Protection





Borough Solicitor


6.1       The Borough Solicitor’s comments have been addressed in the reports to the Executive.


Executive Director: Resources


6.2       The Executive Director: Resources’ comments have been addressed in the reports to the Executive.


Equalities Impact Assessment


6.3       Equalities issues, where appropriate, have been addressed in the reports to the Executive.


Strategic Risk Management Issues


6.4       Any strategic risks have been identified in the reports to the Executive.



Background Papers

Executive Agenda –    24 May 2022, 1 June 2022 and 21 June 2022



Contact for further information

Hannah Harding, Delivery - 01344 352308